I’m an Excellent Blogger

Dad let’s me blog slow on the internet. But not on Monday, definitely not on Monday.

I guess you can’t put much faith in online quizzes…

After reading this post on Steve Pavlina’s blog, I decided I would take the Autism Quotient test myself. While I’m answering the questions, I’m thinking, “Hmmm I bet I won’t score very high at all.” So you can imagine my surprise when I’m done and my score is thirty.

Yes, thirty. Three-Zero

According to the results page, that’s the high end of the above average range, almost in the Very High range. It said that a person who has Asperger’s Syndrome or High Functioning Autism would score around 35.

Well, I was a little shaken by that result, but I thought, “Maybe it’s not a bad thing, I could have some cool Savant ability to go along with it.” Thinking that I might be able to do complicated math instantaneously like this guy does.

So I decided to test my abilities with the assistance of a coworker, which went something like this:

ME: Pick two three digit numbers and I’ll multiply them in my head.
DANH: Ok, 122 and 721
ME: 4… 7… 3… 9… 1
DANH: [calculates] Nope, it’s 87962
ME: Damn… Ok try again.
DANH: 231 and 549
ME: 7… 4… 8… 2 ummm 3
DANH: not close… 126819

Ok, so math isn’t my savant skill, I decided to try something else, maybe I have a memory for words. So I handed him a copy of “Practical Cryptography” by Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier.

ME: Pick a page, and I’ll tell you the first word on the page.
DANH: Ok.. 172.
ME: Ummmm…. Chanukah?
DANH: I don’t think the word ‘Chanukah’ is even in this book.

So anyway, I haven’t found my savant ability yet, but I’m sure it’s there.

Then I decided to take the Inside The Actors Studio Personality Profile to see which actor I’m most like…

Who knew Antonio Banderas was autistic.

Gotta go… five minutes to Wapner.


4 responses to “I’m an Excellent Blogger”

  1. […] For some reason, unknown to me, it seems to be very fashionable these day to diagnose oneself as an “Aspie”.  It’s so common that there’s even a Newsweek online quiz to determine your autism quotient.  My friend, Mike, has even taken this test and found himself with an unsually high autism quotient (unfortunately, without the cool savant abilities).  […]

  2. I have never been diagnosed with aspergers, though I reckon I may have it…
    I have loads of the common symptoms, and on the test, scored 37.

    That does say thirty seven…

    Joined an aspergers forum cos I liked chatting to the people there… then mum other found I was on it….. (I’m 15) awkwardness ensured….